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Unlike others, this book is very easy to use! The first thing you’ll see when you open the book is your new Apothecary. Here you’ll find all the 250 remedies, organized on shelves by specific ailments.

Each page of the appendix displays the remedies found inside the book, and the page you’re going to find it.There, you will find step-by-step instructions, color pictures, measurements and dosages.

Follow the step-by-step guide to prepare the remedy at home. This intuitive layout ensures you can quickly find and create effective remedies for various issues you might want to address.

Brain Booster
This powerful natural tonic is for memory, clarity, focus, processing speed, and can even reduce brain fog.
Take this remedy whenever you have something important to do and you need to be completely focused.

Painkiller in a Jar
We will make it from this common so-called weed that you’ve probably seen growing around your house. Wild lettuce contains a thick, milky white substance that looks similar to what is found inside opium poppies.
Because of that, it’s also become known as opium lettuce, but unlike poppies, this one has milder effects, is legal, and easy to find.

Mushroom Drops for MS
Something else you’ll discover inside are the mushroom drops I personally take as part of the protocol I follow to manage my MS.
And to this day, I still use these drops.

Memory Elixir
One of the plants we will need for this one is rosemary.
A study found that people working in a room with the aroma of rosemary achieved 5% to 7% better results in memory tests.
I even read it on a big news website… I think it was BBC … that was recommending “to smell rosemary for memory.”

Herbal Parasite Flush
If you’ve ever drank tap water, grabbed a doorknob, played with your cat or dog, or walked barefoot in the grass, there’s a good chance you already have this little creature inside you! This parasite can be the root cause of some of your health issues.
You need just three ingredients: papaya seeds, honey, and water. In one study published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods, 71.4% of children who were given a combination of dried papaya seeds and honey had their stool cleared of parasites.

Nature's Amoxicillin
This is not the substance they make in laboratories, but it’s probably the best natural remedy I know for strengthening your immune system to fight off bacteria and infections.

Herbal Sleeping Pills
In fact, let me show you how simple it is. You first blend into a fine powder dried valerian root, lavender, and passionflower.
Mix together one half of the powdered valerian with one quarter lavender and one quarter passion flower. Then place the mix in capsules like this. Take one of these 30 minutes before going to bed.

Heavy Metal Detoxifier
Even the dust that settles in our homes and that we inhale every day is rich in various metals. So how can you get rid of those heavy metals poisoning your bloodstream?
You do it through a process called chelation. This happens when another substance binds to them and drags them out through urine. Don’t be scared if your urine becomes red. That is a good indicator that the chelation is working and the metals are draining out of your body.

Medicinal Smoking Blend
Certain herbs release their medicinal properties when smoked, like this one right here. This is a mullein leaf, and I am sure you’ve seen it around your property as it grows freely everywhere.
Next time you see it, you can pick a few leaves and let them dry in the sun. I personally smoke mullein when I want to clear my lungs.

Jello Flu Shots
If you think this is your traditional flu shot, you’re wrong.
This concoction packs a powerful punch of immune-boosting ingredients.
It’s free of harmful chemicals, and it tastes so good that it may be the only medicine your kids want to have more of.

Migraine Syrup
Whenever you have a headache, just head on over to your apothecary and pour two to three drops of this remedy into a hot cup of tea.
This is made from three key plants that contain naturally occurring compounds called salicylates, which are similar to aspirin.

Natural Probiotic
If you’ve ever drank tap water, grabbed a doorknob, played with your cat or dog, or walked barefoot in the grass, there’s a good chance you already have this little creature inside you! This parasite can be the root cause of some of your health issues.
You need just three ingredients: papaya seeds, honey, and water. In one study published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods, 71.4% of children who were given a combination of dried papaya seeds and honey had their stool cleared of parasites.

And even all of that is just the tip of the iceberg of what you’ll find inside the book. Here are 24 other remedies you’ll find inside this massive 288-page Apothecary:
+ Four Life-Saving Gifts and 24/7 Assistance with Everything You Need

The first one you’ll receive is The Lost Skills of the Great Depression. Just like traditional home remedies were forgotten with the rise of modern pharmaceuticals so were many other skills of our grandparents and great-grandparents. It’s the skills of the Great Depression that will be in great need in the next economic crisis.

The second gift you’ll get is Healing Yourself with Household Items.
In this guide, you will discover how you can use duct tape for warts, honey for cuts, yogurt for yeast Infections, sugar for hiccups, Listerine for athlete’s foot, oatmeal for eczema, and many more.

My third gift to you is DIY Projects for a World Without Electricity.
If you want to live off the grid or survive a long-term blackout or an EMP, all you have to do is look at what people did 150 years ago, when there was no electricity.
For the first few people who purchase The Forgotten Home Apothecary, I have a special surprise that will help you on your journey to health and wellness.

If you hurry, you’ll also receive my Herbal Medicine Video Collection.
Inside you’ll discover step-by-step recipes for my most requested and appreciated remedies from the book.
This way you can just follow along with me and create the remedies you need. We’re going to make them together. It will be fun, I promise you.
I printed The Forgotten Home Apothecary in a limited edition, with color pictures, containing 250+ remedies that can help you and your family.
Now you can find all the remedies you need for the ailments you are interested in in just one place.
Just scroll down and click on the button below to get your own copy.

The Forgotten Home Apothecary® - Official Book
The Forgotten Home Apothecary® - Official Book

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You can choose to keep the physical book, even if we refund you the $37.